


第24屆Tainan May Jam樂團開始徵選報名了!

第24屆Tainan May Jam樂團開始徵選報名了!

親愛的各位Tainan May Jammers!
第24屆 2025台南五月音樂季Tainan May Jam 演出團體徵選開始報名啦!!!
為了徵選順利完成或避免造成報名不成功 , 請詳填以下報名表資訊並嚴格遵守主辦單位規定
報名截止日期: 2025年2月28日~想演出的手刀奔上啊!
因為此音樂季在過去24年來都一向都堅持獨立音樂精神 並且我們將會一樣繼續傳承下去~

Dear Tainan May Jammers!
Our 2025 Tainan May Jam application, for this years event, May 3rd & 4th is open now!
Please register now and follow strictly guideline of the application form, otherwise your application will new consider invalid! Registrations deadline is 2025/2/28 !
In line with our independent spirit of this music festival, no commercial companies are welcomed or excepted to present Bands in general.
But if those well-known Bands are willing to come and perform, for the travel expenses we provide, you are welcome to apply too.
Because this music festival has been in the spirit of independent music for over 24 years and we want to stay that way.
Dear friends if you are interested in performing and having fun with us, please apply now, before it's too late!

Tainan May Jam date: May 3 (Sat)~May 4 (Sun) 2025

Venue: Camping ground at Hutoupi Reservoir Scenic Area

如果您有任何疑問,請隨時透過電子郵件跟我們聯絡 tainanmayjam2000@gmail.com
Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us: tainanmayjam2000@gmail.com
